Mission and Vision


Aim High Trust helps people develop their characteristics and qualities harmoniously with the conditions of being disabled

Aim High Trust understands disabled services correctly and provides appropriate programs in a New Zealand society that values wonderful nature and amazing people

Aim High Trust works together to give a sense of accomplishment as a confident member of society rather than maintaining the status quo easily and comfortably



Although Aim High Trust is still small and weak, it is growing step by step through the operations of the education centre and cafe. Despite the numerous difficulties we have experienced so far, we are taking each step with all our hearts, believing that it will be the foundation for Aim High Trust to grow into a richer tree. We are a space where the disabled, their families, and all who share their hearts understand, love, and care for each other! This is the vision of Aim High Trust.

Step 1. Establishment of Aim High Education Centre

Step 2. Starting daycare and day service programmes

Step 3. Opening a non-profit social enterprise café

Step 4. Starting vocational training programme

Step 5. Establishment of Aim High Residential Home